Sunday, August 25, 2013

Weaving Paper

My momma sent me a large rolled sheet of some very fine and ridiculously beautiful botanical print paper several months ago.  And before I could bring myself to cut into it, I hung it on the wall to admire in all it's splendor.  Eventually it beckoned, and I made a handful of envelopes paired with black and white, botanical-printed vellum envelope liners and blush pink note cards.  I tried my hand with weaving some of the papers onto one of the note cards.  'Twas a bit tricky (double-sided tape certainly helped), but I think the result is quite pretty.  Enjoy!

Thursday, August 22, 2013


Embarrassing! It's been two entire months since my last post.  Ah!  Yes, TWO months...and not just on this blog, but on my other blog as well...even longer!  My last post on Museum + Momma was from June 17th!  Despicable.  Really.  Just totally embarrassing.  I suppose though, I really do have a good excuse.  And though I'm not one for excuses, I'll just come out and say it.  My husband had brain surgery and apparently I have a heart condition that landed me in the hospital for three days.  Oh, and I have a two year old.  So, yeah, I guess that's a lot going on this summer.  One of our dear friends told me, "How 'bout we just write off 2013 for you guys?"  Agreed.  Though parts of it were great...being surrounded by family and friends who love us, sharing tears and laughs with the people we care most about, and (let's face it) having an excuse (or two, or three!) to just chill out, prioritize, and throw your hands up in disbelief.  So be it.  This too shall pass.  

Thank goodness for crafting, yes?!  Some people eat ice cream when they're stressed.  I cut paper with scissors.  

Over the next few days (or probably weeks, if I'm being honest) I'll post some photographs of what I've been up to in my self-imposed down time. I could be vacuuming or doing laundry, or doing dishes, etc., etc. but I don't wanna.  I'd rather being making snail mail.

Here's one of my favorite projects.  (Someone with a birthday in November best not look too closely...'cause you'll be seeing it in person in the not so distant future. Wink, wink.)

Below:  I went a bit monochromatic with this set of eight cards.  I paired bright sunshine yellow and golden yellow folded note cards with honeycomb envelop liners and lace-patterned envelopes.  I embellished with note cards with layers of the coordinating papers, all random, all what spoke to me at the time.  No two cards are the same, and that's just the way I like it.  All tied up with ivory tulle.

Below:  I first encountered the honeycomb paper when making a thank you note for a dear friend.  I thumbed through my stacks of paper and was struck by something I remembered about her.  She shared once in our Bible study that when she was going through a rough spot she was moved by the verse Psalm 46:10, which reads, in part, "Be still and know that I am God."  (NIV)  Shouldn't we all just "be(e) still" sometimes?  I made the card below for her.  She was there for me when I needed her.  And I will be forever thankful.  I was inspired, and then used the rest of the paper for the set of eight above...for another person who is always there when I need her too.